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SMF 2.1 Theme Downloads / Re: [Download] Gander Green
Last post by Shades - July 19, 2023, 02:57:43 PM
Theme Updated:

1. Version 2.1.4b : 07/19/2023
Cleaned up some codes & fixed responsive (no color changes)
SMF 2.1 Theme Downloads / Re: [Download] Alien Shades
Last post by Shades - July 18, 2023, 12:19:01 PM
Theme Updated:

1. Version 2.1.4b : 07/18/2023
Cleaned up some codes & fixed responsive (no color changes)
SMF 2.1 Theme Downloads / Re: [Download] Brown Shades
Last post by Shades - June 29, 2023, 08:15:46 PM
Theme Updated:

1. Version 2.1.4 : 06/29/2023
Updated Theme for SMF 2.1.4
SMF 2.1 Theme Downloads / Re: [Download] BlueGreen_Shade...
Last post by Shades - June 29, 2023, 08:03:46 PM
Theme Updated:

1. Version 2.1.4 : 06/29/2023
Updated Theme for SMF 2.1.4
SMF 2.1 Theme Downloads / Re: [Download] Blue_Space
Last post by Shades - June 29, 2023, 07:33:28 PM
Theme Updated:

1. Version 2.1.4 : 06/29/2023
Updated Theme for SMF 2.1.4 & minor color changes
SMF 2.1 Theme Downloads / Re: [Download] Gander Green
Last post by Shades - June 29, 2023, 06:47:19 PM
Theme Updated:

1. Version 2.1.4 : 06/29/2023
Updated Theme for SMF 2.1.4
SMF 2.1 Theme Downloads / Re: [Download] Alien Shades
Last post by Shades - June 29, 2023, 06:21:27 PM
Theme Updated

1. Version 2.1.4 : 06/29/2023
Updated Theme for SMF 2.1.4 & minor color fixes
Announcements / Features
Last post by Shades - March 23, 2023, 09:09:59 AM
SMF 2.1.x is a very versatile forum software. It has many features, including the following:

Minimum requirements

  • PHP 7.0+
  • MySQL 5.6.0+ or PostgreSQL 9.6+


  • Automated Installation of mods on non-default themes
  • "Smart emulation" to automatically detect a mod's version and to automatically emulate this mod when it is installed
  • Improved attachment security
  • Improved attachment error handling
  • SCEditor (New WYSIWYG editor)
  • Drafts
  • Enhanced admin panel
  • IPv6 Support
  • Built in support for jQuery
  • Full SSL Support
  • Verification questions support for multiple answers and multiple languages
  • Deny access to boards
  • Moved topics placeholders can be set to auto expire/delete
  • Topic preview when hovering over subject on message index
  • Likes System
  • Mentions System
  • Alerts systems for Notifications, Likes, and Mentions
  • Topic notifications can be set to Not Following, No Alerts or Email, Receive Alerts and Receive Emails and Alerts
  • Personal Messages automatically saved in sent box
  • Default theme is responsive
  • Ical calendar event export support
  • Gravatar support

Announcements / Calendar
Last post by Shades - March 23, 2023, 09:06:35 AM
The calendar feature, if enabled by the administrator, is found in the Main menu of the forum. It can be used to record and display holidays, birthdays, and events. Birthdays entered in members' profiles are displayed on the calendar. Some or all members may have permission to post calendar events. Administrators can configure the calendar via the calendar settings section of the Administration Center.

The calendar also displays mini-calendars on the left of the current calendar. These mini-calendars show an overview of the previous, current and following month.

Posting an event to the calendar

If the calendar feature is enabled and users are given the required permission, events can be posted to the calendar by clicking on Post Event below the main calendar view.

Post Event is an option in the drop-down menu when selecting Calendar in the main menu. If enabled by an administrator, it is also possible to simply click on a day in the calendar in order to post a new event on that day.

Users with the appropriate permissions may see Link to Calendar at the bottom of each topic. This button enables users to create a new calendar event that is linked to the currently viewed topic.
Announcements / Memberlist
Last post by Shades - March 23, 2023, 09:03:01 AM
View All Members

Provided that you have the appropriate permissions, you will be able to see the Members entry on the Main Menu or in the Info Center. Clicking one of these links will bring you to the View all Members page, the default page for the Members List section. There is also a Search for Members page in this section, where you can search for members registered on the forum.

On the View All Members page, you will see the list of all the members registered on the forum. Pages are used so that there are not too many members listed on one single page. When there is more than one page, the additional pages can be selected from here. On the right side of the "Members List" title bar, every letter of the English alphabet is displayed. These letters are used to jump to the usernames of registered members that begin with that letter, so that you do not have to scroll through several pages to find them. This does not filter out all of the usernames beginning with different letters, but rather serves as an anchor, so you will be directed to usernames that start with the selected letter.

All usernames in the memberlist can be ordered by: Status (Online/Offline), Username, Email, Website, ICQ, AIM, YIM, MSN, Position, Date Registered, and Posts. These column headings are links that can be used to sort the list in ascending or descending order, or to reverse the sort order of the column under the heading that is currently used to sort the list.

Search for Members

This section allows you to do either a simple search for members, or to choose to filter your results by using additional parameters. You can search for members based on their username, email address, messenger nickname, website, or position.

The search results will show matches for the terms that you enter in the search field. If any of the additional search parameters are selected, then the results will also be filtered accordingly. The search does not look only for full-word exact matches, but also for any parts of text that match the search terms. For this reason, if the search term represents only part of the word that you are looking for, then the results may show many more matches than expected.

Some of the additional search parameters relate to information that users can either choose not to include in their profile (messenger nickname, website) or they can choose not to reveal it to the public (email), so using these parameters might not always bring up the results that you are looking for. The results of the search will be more accurate the more letters/words that are used in the search.

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